Jazzwise Media Pack 2023 - Advertising Rates & Production Schedule

Please find our print advertising rates for 2023.  If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact Ros McRae on 0141 334 1735 or click here to contact her by email.

For our booking terms & conditions, please click here

Premium Positions £

Outside Back Cover – 2,400

Inside Front Cover – 2,000

Inside Back Cover – 1,800

Colour Rates £

Colour Page – 1,650

Colour Double Page Spread – 2,900

Half Page – 1,000

Quarter Page – 600

Eighth Page – 350

Mono Rates £

Mono Page – 1,300

Mono Double Page Spread – 2,300

Half Page – 800

Quarter Page – 500

Eighth Page – 280

Series Discount

2 – 5 insertions 10%

5 – 9 insertions 15%

10 insertions 20%


Rates effective from January 2019. All prices are subject to VAT at 20%


Trimmed Page Size 297 x 210

Full Page Type Area 280 x 185

Full Page (Bleed) 300 x 215

Double Page Spread 297 x 420

Double Page Spread (Bleed) 305 x 425

Half Page Horizontal 140 x 185

Half Page Vertical 280 x 90

Quarter Page Box 137 x 90

Eighth Page Box 66 x 90

Please email ros.mcrae@btinternet.com / ros@jazzwise.com for further details


May issue: advert booking deadline 24th March = Advert Copy Deadline Wed 29 Mar

June issue: advert booking deadline 27th April = Advert Copy Deadline Wed 3 May

July issue: advert booking deadline 26th May = Advert Copy Deadline Wed 31 May

August issue: advert booking deadline 25th June = Advert Copy Deadline Wed 28 June

September issue: advert booking deadline 21st July = Advert Copy Deadline Wed 26 July

October issue: advert booking deadline 25th Aug = Advert Copy Deadline Wed 30 Aug

Nov issue: advert booking deadline 22nd Sept = Advert Copy Deadline Wed 27 Sept 

Dec/Jan (double issue): advert booking deadline 27th Oct = Advert Copy Deadline Wed 1 Nov

Feb 2024 issue: advert booking deadline 20th Dec 2023 = Advert Copy Deadline Wed 3 Jan


Artwork via ISDN, email, CD or Zip disc to Jazzwise repro house, to be emailed to Ros McRae, head of Group Production Manager at Mark Allen Group. Acceptable formats are InDesign, Quark, Photoshop, Illustrator, Freehand and Pagemaker.


Proofs will not be supplied unless copy is made up or amended by the publisher and adequate time is allowed for proofs to be sent to the advertiser.


Cost plus 10%. Amendments to copy at cost plus 10%.


Website Advertising Rates

Here are the details and specifications for online advertising on the www.jazzwisemagazine.com website and overview of the Jazzwise magazine Internet presence. 

Most recent website stats from February 2023 are total website traffic of 231,023 unique users creating 271,569 page impressions, with three-quarters of those visitors coming to the site via web searches. While the site is predominantly visited by a UK-based audience, it also received 29% its audience from US users, with the remaining audience coming from Germany, France, Italy, Canada, the Netherlands, Spain, Ireland and Norway. As you will probably be aware Jazzwise magazine is the largest leading English speaking jazz title in Europe. It’s also worth noting we have over 56,000 followers on Twitter and our official Facebook page has over 21,000 likes and is follwed by 27,000 people – and we actively promote the site through these channels on a daily basis, as well as via our monthly E-Newletter that’s sent out to our database of 9,000 subscribers.

Website rates are:

Leaderboard banners = £350 each 

MPU (or Mid-page Unit) banner = £400 each 

Series discount of 10% for two months or more

Each website advert has a duration of one month 


The Jazzwise E-shot is emailed to 9000+ dedicated Jazzwise subscribers and goes out twice a month also to coincide with the issue coming out (dates will vary) banner and advertorial is available at a cost of:

Jazzwise Newsletter E-shot Banner advert £350

Jazzwise Newsletter E-shot Banner and advertorial £450 (around 250 words and image included)


An animated JPEG or GIF – make sure your ad is simple, eyecatching and informative – please also provide the specific link to the page you wish people to click through to from the banner ad.


Banner...730 pixels wide by 90 pixels high.

Panel Skyscraper...300 pixels wide by 500 pixels high.

To advertise on the Jazzwise website please contact Ros McRae.

(E-mail  ros.mcrae@btinternet.com, Tel: 0141-334-1735, (Mob 07817-828519)

Artwork/Graphics to be sent to mike@jazzwise.com




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