The Joe Harriott Double Quintet, under the direction of John Mayer: Indo-Jazz Suite

Rating: ★★★

Record and Artist Details


Coleridge Goode (b)
Diwan Motihar (sitar)
John Mayer (p)
Chandrahas Paiganka (tanpura (stringed drone))
Joe Harriott (as)
Alan Ganley (d)
Kenny Wheeler (t)
Pat Smythe (p)
Chris Taylor (f)
Keshan Sathe (tabla)


Warner Atlantic


Catalogue Number:



date not stated

On Indo-Jazz Suite's release in 1966 its four tracks – ‘Overture’, ‘Contrasts’, ‘Raga Megha’ and ‘Raga Gaud-Saranga’ – freeze-framed something in Indo-jazz fusion that was unique to Britain. The States may have had ‘happening’ notables like Don Ellis but never a John Mayer or a Joe Harriott. Mayer was a Calcutta-raised composer-violinist as equally at home in Hindustani classical and Indian vernacular forms as he was in Western classical and popular music forms. Kingston, Jamaica-born altoist Harriott was a jazzer who took the jazz path rather than the jazz-into-ska route. This reissue of the era-defining double quintet's first album (released on Columbia in the UK and on Atlantic in 1967) has new contextual notes in Japanese (not a translation of Charles Fox's original liner notes) and next to no English. This is still basically the old LP, meaning that the original Lansdowne Studio masters haven't been accessed to reveal what happened, say, after the ‘Raga Megha’ fade-out. In terms of audio quality it differs little from the 1999 Koch Jazz edition. Japanese-speakers might wish to add a star.

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