Rahsaan Roland Kirk: Other Folks' Music

Rating: ★★

Record and Artist Details


Hilton Ruiz (p)
Kermit Moore (c)
Roy Haynes (d)
Rahsaan Roland Kirk (reeds)
Joe Texidor (perc)
Arthur Jenkins (perc)
Henry Pearson (b)
Sonny Brown (d)
Trudy Pitts (p, el p)
Richard Williams (t)
Gloria Agostini (harp)




Catalogue Number:




Generally speaking Kirk's albums are nothing if not eclectic, and this mid 1970s offering is no exception to the rule, running through many ‘traditions’ while retaining the multi-reed maestro's signature unpredictability and invention. Kirk casts a roving eye over black music new and old and produces a patchwork that is somewhat hit and miss on this occasion. Although the reprise of Parker's ‘Donna Lee’ is far more underwhelming than one would have expected, the robust nature of the rhythmic content and sonic quirks on the rest of the album are hard to ignore. Particularly effective is the integration of superb harp glissandos while the throbbing bass and shimmering electric piano are also good value. Indeed sonically Other Folks'… is a relatively rich buffet, but Kirk has served up neither his best arrangements nor improvisations, the net result of which is that this is a set to nibble at from time to time rather than enjoy in one sitting. It's a mark of Kirk's enduring greatness that the listener can still take away something worthwhile from his music even when he's slightly off his game.

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