Trio Grande: Urban Myth

Rating: ★★★★

Record and Artist Details


Gilad Hekselman
Will Vinson (s, Wurlitzer, syn)
Nate Wood (b, d)


Whirlwind Recordings


Media Format:


Catalogue Number:



Rec. date not stated

Trio Grande’s second release continues to explore the interface between fluent jazz improvisation and the grainier textures of contemporary rock and pop. Co-leaders Will Vinson on saxophones and Gilad Hekselman on guitars both manipulate synthesised sound and drummer Antonio Sanchez is replaced by Nate Wood, who can play drums and bass simultaneously.

The album opens with the title track, a fusion, according to the sleeve, of Balkan music with Hekselman’s early fascination with The Prodigy. Here, Wood alternates tricky round-the-kit drum breaks with a combination of funky rimshots and bass. 'Ministry of Love' is a slice of laid-back funk with a harmonically rich bridge, the bittersweet 'Navarand' builds on layers of acoustic guitar and 'Olive Tree' is a lovely Vinson ballad.

Wood’s ability to combine drums and bass without playing the obvious allows guitarist Hekselman to run free and add supple support to Will Vinson’s pithy, pointed and angular alto sax. Thus, the late Roy Hargrove’s 'Strasbourg St. Denis' gains a twisty shape without losing its soul and Nik Kershaw’s 'Dancing Girls' conjures images of hen nights in a small-town hotel.

Three originals wind up the set, each one with its own mood and narrative path. 'A Gift' is the closer, blues-laced and sounding remarkably full for a band of this size.

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